Pool Rummy

How To Play Pool Rummy ?

There are two variants in pool rummy 101 and 201 rummy. The objective of this game is for player to keep their points lower than 101 or 201. You can select the amount you want to bring to the table.

Game Type 101/201 Pool
Players per table 2 to 6
Split Winnings Yes
Maximum Loss (per round) 80 Points
Wrong Show Loss of 80 Points
Auto Drop Yes
Drop Points
101: First Drop - 20, Middle Drop - 40, Full Count - 80
201: First Drop - 25, Middle Drop - 50, Full Count - 80
If no player has above 79 points for 101 pool
If no player has above 174 points for 201 pool
1 Deck for Two Player Table
2 Decks for Six Player Table

Pool Rummy Rules:

  • Winnings = [Entry Fee X No of Players] - Rummyera Fee.
  • Player(s) with the least score at the end of the game is declared the winner.
  • In a winning hand, one pure sequence and one impure sequence is mandatory.
  • The player who places a successful show gets zero points the other player(s) gets a score that is equal to the sum of the values of their cards that are not a part of a valid sequence or a set.
  • With two decks in use, you cannot use the same card twice in a set.
  • The scores get added up at the end of every round. A player is eliminated once their score reaches 101/201 or more.
  • If the players leaves the table in between the game, they will have to forgo their entry fee.
  • If a player is disconnected, autoplay feature will turn on for 3 rounds in a 6 player table and 5 rounds in a 2 player table and then game will be dropped.

Auto Split

2-Player Auto Split:

  • In a 101/201 game with more than two players, when only two players are left at the table and each has a game count higher than 80 for 101 and 175 for 201, the cash will be automatically split between the two.

3-Player Auto Split:

  • In a 101/201 game with more than three players, when three players are left at the table and each has a count higher than 80 for 101 and 175 for 201, the cash will be automatically split between the three.
  • A 3-Player Auto Split can also be applicable for a game that started off with three players, and one of them rejoined after getting knocked off.

Manual Split

2-Player Manual Split:

  • If both the players agree to the manual split, the cash will be proportionately distributed amongst the two. This is applicable to 101 and 201 regular tables that start off with more than three players.

3-Player Manual Split:

  • A 3-Player Manual Split can also be applicable for a game that started off with three players, and one of them rejoined after getting knocked off.
  • The condition is that the difference in the number of drops possible for any two of the three players should not be greater than 2 during a game. If all three players agree to the manual split, the cash will be proportionately distributed amongst the three.